A melty cheese fondue is exactly what you need to serve up at your next get together.
What grows together goes together, so try this iconic French duo of Comté cheese and Côtes du Rhône wine!
What you’ll need:
1 pound Comté cheese (5 cups shredded)
2 tbsp corn starch
1 cup of dry white wine
1 clove garlic (optional to rub in pot for flavor)
Shred your Comté cheese fresh and toss in a bowl with the corn starch. Rub the inside of the fondue pot with a garlic clove for flavor. Add in your white wine and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low-med and add in a quarter of your cheese. Stir until melted. Add in another quarter and stir until melted. Repeat. Serve the fondue hot with a French baguette, potatoes, steamed veggies, apple slices and sausages. Bon appétit !!!